Monday, December 10, 2012

All that glitters is gold.

We've been extremely MIA lately....Chaos including moving back to the bay after graduation (post-grad life..eek!), and Connie still at school we just have not made the time to blog. However, this all changes now! I've bought a brand new camera and have been experimenting with it, thus the impromptu lipstick photo shoot. (please excuse my amateur photos)

Today while rummaging through my house I found my grandmother's Vintage Revlon 574 lipstick tube and instantly fell in love with it. They just don't make things the way they used to (pictured  above left modern day Revlon 405 lipstick, right vintage Revlon 574). After doing a bit of google-ing I believe the lipstick tube is dated from the 1940's.

Comparison shots: Some of my lipstick collection showcase the brilliance of the vintage Revlon case.
(pictured above from right to left: Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Volupte Perle, Sephora Rouge R14, Vintage Revlon 574- I believe this was originally a cherry red, and Revlon 405)

The elegance & sophistication of something as simple as a lipstick tube by Revlon truly shows the quality of work that was put into each and every item in the past.
Who knows what else may show up in my house, a vintage scarf or handbag? Something maybe to incorporate to new OOTD's? I love vintage clothes and accessories that has been passed down, not only does it connect me more to my grandmothers and remind me of them every day but it transports me to an entirely different era. 

"Nostalgia is denial - denial of the painful present... the name for this denial is golden age thinking - the erroneous notion that a different time period is better than the one ones living in - its a flaw in the romantic imagination of those people who find it difficult to cope with the present."
- Midnight in Paris
(photos taken by Rene ryan.)
Welcome to our blog

This site is ran by two California girls who developed a close bond through fashion, itself!
We hope to share our thoughts with you as we post a variety of fashion, art, style and food all the way from the Bay to L.A.